Repair of memory of screwdriver Bosch AL 1115 CV (10.8 Li) - 2 attempt
Charger Bosch AL 1115 CV (10.8 Li), which I already repaired , came back. Without signs of life. Interestingly, without traces of magic smoke, on which, as is known, all electronics work.
We proceed to repair. I changed the legless power transistor STD7NM60M to STP5NK80Z in TO-220, because the first was soldered on the snot, and another 800V permissible on the drain of the second - the pledge of my sound sleep - bought a noodle at a discount of two dozen. Here he was soldered to the same copper (photo from the past).
Does not start. Sobbing and going out. During the investigation I changed / checked everything.
Resistors, diodes, electrolytes in the secondary, optocoupler, 1N4148, snubber, even TL431. The LED flashes hysterically, at the sink of the needle two hundred volts. Something does not break out, there is not enough of a push. Already thought about implanting UC3843, to resolve the burden in one fell swoop.
Took part in the experiments. In place of V6 soldered different shit : 2SC945, 1815, BC850c - with the last device suddenly wound up and when I again soldered FMMT624 - continued to work, as if nothing had happened. But still BC850c is sick, I did not pull the devil by the beard.
In the meantime, C4 increased to nominal 3nF (MKP), changed capacity in the secondary to "better" in the search process.
Working. Half a day and a dozen strong cigarettes.
UPD increased the capacity of 22u * 450v, put the bank 68u * 400v 105 deg., ESR 0.66 ohm - for the mode of operation of the autogenerator from the voltage varies markedly. Will help to survive in a bad network.